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Parents & Friends

Our P&F Committee is an integral part of our school community

Connect with other parents and become actively involved in our school

All parents and carers by virtue of their child’s enrolment are members of the Parents and Friends Community.

Our executive committee have oversight of the community building and fundraising projects undertaken each year. Events have included morning teas, quiz nights, a bi-annual school fair, bowling, an annual welcome picnic. Each class in the school has a class representative who can support the teacher in connecting with parents and building class and year levels communities.


From the P&F

The Parents and Friends Committee welcome all families to St Joseph’s School Tranmere and our wonderful school community.

The Parents and Friends Committee offers parents/carers the opportunity to be part of a family-school partnership.    The committee works closely with the staff and school board to promote the importance of parents as partners in the education of their children. 

The Parents and Friends Committee has a number of functions:

  • To build and nurture a sense of community
  • Promote the school’s vision, policies and procedures
  • Develop maximum co-operation between parents and school staff
  • Provide a medium for information and education of parents
  • To assist in delivery of projects which benefit the school via fundraising

Parents can contribute to school life in many ways that reflect their interests, skills, experience and capacity to do so. 

We invite you to become a P&F volunteer.  You may be able to use your skills, experience or knowledge to promote the school community, whether that be via a position on the P&F Executive, attending a parent education seminar, helping out at the school fair, selling ice blocks at lunchtime or cooking a BBQ.  We value all contributions.

The P&F is a terrific way of getting to know other parents and families throughout all year levels at the school.

If you’re interested in volunteering or being a member, please register your interest by emailing Nicole Goethals here


Business Register

Among the parent community at St Joseph’s School Tranmere we have a range of business owners and operators.  

Please have a look at this register and consider these school families for provision of goods and services.  

If you are not on the register and would like to be listed, please contact the school office. 

Download Business Register