Our actions are inspired by our school values.
Our actions are inspired by our school values.
Throughout the school year children are involved in many different forms of prayer and liturgy with their class community and as a whole school. Each term they will join the parish community for mass, on special occasions and feast days we celebrate mass as a whole school. We warmly welcome all parents to these celebrations.
Students are engaged in rich teaching and learning experiences during class Religious Education lessons which are based on the Crossways Framework for Religious Education in South Australia. The framework explores the catholic tradition as a believing, living and celebrating faith. It invites children to learn about the beliefs, scripture, traditions, sacraments, ethics and celebrations of both the catholic and other faith traditions.
Students and families are encouraged to continue Jesus’ mission through their involvement in our various social justice and outreach activities. We support the work of St Vincent de Paul, Caritas Australia, Catholic Charities, The MacKillop Foundation as well as supporting other organisations and individuals as the need arises. In this work we are inspired by the life motto of Mary MacKillop:
“Never see a need without doing something about it.”