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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you enjoyed the Easter break with Family and Friends. It is a time to be reminded that Jesus is alive and in our midst and he welcomes us in a new life with him. This year we have been blessed with Easter falling before our term break. This has allowed our school community to spend more time on reflecting and coming together to celebrate its true meaning. Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended one of the many special liturgies over the holy week period as we retold the Easter Story.

Building Update

The building project is progressing very well and, at this stage, we remain hopeful of a late May completion. Over the next week and the holiday break, much of the electrical and mechanical works will be completed. The brickwork has been completed and we are now moving into cladding being installed on both the inside and outside structures. It is certainly exciting as we watch the Learning Street grow and change each day.

Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to our fantastic swimmers who competed in the Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival at the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre at Oaklands Park on Wednesday. Our team won the overall shield for section 5.  You certainly made us all very proud with the way you represented our school and achieved such a great result. Special congratulations to Zara in Year 4 for winning the Aged Champion medal. I would like to thank Ms White and Mrs Edgecombe for their preparation and organisation of the team. Well done everyone.

Arrival & Departure

I would like to remind families about arrival times at school. The first bell sounds at 8:20am. This means the big gate on Birkinshaw Ave is opened and yard supervision begins. Students can then safely enter into the middle yard and place their bag on their bag hook or along the Library veranda for our Year 6 students.

The big gate is then closed at 8:45am for the day and reopens shortly before 3pm, ready for parents and students to use the pick-up zone.

I strongly encourage all families if you are using the pick-up zone, to continually move down the line as quickly and safely as possible so that pick up is smooth and efficient, not leaving large gaps which results in cars banking up along Birkinshaw Ave.

A reminder that Before School Care starts at 7:30am until 8:20am. Please be aware that students who arrive before 8:20am should attend OSHC, as there is no Yard Duty Teacher supervising until that time. Thank you for your support on these matters as the safety and care for all our students is paramount.

Pupil Free Day Dates

Please note the Pupil Free days that we have planned for Terms 2 & 3 this year

  • Friday 7 June (Week 6 Term 2) – Teacher PD on Numeracy
  • Monday 22 July (Week 1 Term 3) – Eastern Regional Schools PD on Student Agency
  • Friday 30 August (Week 6 Term 3) Staff Faith Formation Day

Thank you to all our wonderful students for a very busy and productive term of learning. We look forward to the big move next term as we start to prepare for the transition into new learning spaces and make it easier to move around the school grounds.

Kind regards

Adrian Grbin