This year is a special year for our school community and the global catholic community. Pope Francis has named this year a Jubilee Year. This happens every twenty five years and it is a year for communities and individuals to reflect and a prayer together. This year’s theme is Pilgrims of Hope. We started the year with this theme at our Beginning of Year Liturgy. This year our focus is to be people of hope and kindness. I think we would all agree that a world with more hope and kindness can only be a good thing!
This term some of our young people in our community will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is a special time for the children and their families as they learn more about forgiveness and participate in a ceremony experiencing God’s love and forgiveness. Please keep the children and their families in your prayers at this special time.
In Week 6 we being our 6 week Lenten journey to Easter. On Shrove Tuesday we will have pancakes and on Wednesday we will commemorate Ash Wednesday. The Years 3 to 6 classes will attend the 9.15 am Parish Mass and the Reception to Year 2 classes will have an Ash Wednesday Liturgy at 10.30 am in the Hall. All are welcome to come and receive ashes at any of the services.
Annette McCard