We work together with families and students to support the learning and wellbeing of all children.
We work together with families and students to support the learning and wellbeing of all children.
Located in the heart of the eastern suburbs, less than 8kms from the CBD, our school has green gardens, leafy trees, age-appropriate play areas and undercover learning spaces.
We offer a diverse range of extra-curricular learning and specialist programs including Italian, Visual and Media Arts and Music.
Our modern facilities include fully air-conditioned classrooms, a multi-purpose hall, full sized basketball/netball/play courts, oval, art room and multi-functional resource centre. For added convenience there is a healthy option lunch service, OSHC for care both before and after school, Family Playgroup and a long transition to school program Little STaRS.
Your child will join the St Joseph’s family – an intimate, connected community where every child is known and nurtured to become the best person they can be. An experienced teaching staff delivers a learning experience that is personal and tailored to your child.
St Joseph's School Tranmere is part of the inspirational story of Blessed Mary MacKillop, a pioneer for catholic education throughout Australia. Our school was established in 1927 by the Sisters of St Joseph and the parishioners of the Tranmere Church, this creative and life-giving partnership continues for us today. Our community was led by the sisters until 1985 and their charism shapes our story in an ongoing way. We continue to use the traditional logo adopted by many Josephite Schools with the original Latin "In omnibus caritas" being translated as "Love in everything."
The foundations of our school are faith, learning, community, opportunity.
We are a vibrant learning community built upon relationships that nurture the growth, creativity and full possibility of all.
We live our Catholic faith through our relationships, our liturgical life and our commitment to charity, justice and ecological conversion.
We provide a learning culture that is creative, engaging and promotes growth for all children.
We build community within and beyond the school through welcoming, listening and working as partners in children’s learning and development.
We create opportunity for all children to find their place in the world.
Our core values, inspired by the gospels and by our Josephite charism are:
The Parable of the Mustard Seed inspires the work of our school:
The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches. Matt13:31-32
The parable speaks of role of the school to be a place of nurture that enables the growth, development and flourishing of all who come here.